Gentle nibbling characterizes the courtship of those smaller cetaceans that have been observed in captivity. A male accompanies a receptive female, the two animals swimming together in close contact with much rubbing and stroking, nuzzling and nibbling, much of which is directed to the genital region of the partner, much as a dog follows a bitch in heat and by his actions stimulates her into receiving him.
The mating itself only takes about 15 to 20 seconds!

Much still needs to be learned about reproduction in dolphins. The young are born in the late summer and autumn. As in all cetaceans, a single calf is born tail first. As soon as it is born, the calf is encouraged to the surface by the mother. Soon after it has orientated itself, it seeks the nipple. Like most mammalian mothers, the female dolphin helps the young to its goal, by positioning herself to its best advantage.

Soon after birth the female comes into oestrus and is mated. Maternal care is intense. The mother ensures that her offspring stays with her all the time and it it wanders, quickly retrieve it sometimes with physical admonition. Just after birth the firm union between mother and young is established. Their mutual recognition of each other as dependent individuals, rest almost certainly on sound, unlike many landmammals which often depend on smell.