Atlantic spotted dolphin

Atlantic spotted dolphin 

Scientific Name: Stenella frontalis
Other Names: Golf Stream Spotted Dolphin, Long Snouted Dolphin
Length: 5.8-7.5 ft. (1.7-2.3 m.)
Weight: 220-310 lbs. (100-140 kg.)
Teeth: 122-166

This short-beaked dolphin, named in 1829, grows up to 2m. in length. The back is dark grey or black, gradually shading to a white or very pale grey abdomen. The eyes are surrounded by black and from them, forward, runs a black line to meet on the forehead a similar line from the other eye. From the corner of the mouth a dark, gradually widening line passes to the rather large black flipper.

The upper jaw is black, also the dorsal fin and the flukes are black. Small black dots decorate the abdomen.
The head and anterior back are without dots, but the posterior part of the back is covered with pale dots.
The species seems fairly well distributed although numbers appear small. It inhabits the temperate and subtropical waters of the Atlantic ocean. They are social animals and form groups. Their main food is thought to be squid although fish are probably also taken. These dolphins are also fast swimmers, using long shallow leaps as they go. Newborn calves are born without spots and do not acquire them until they reach maturity. It is the most spotted of all dolphins and is extremely friendly and inquisitive.